A Top 40 Weightlifting Blog

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Day 22 19 May 2009

Deadlifts today. Solo lifting at the Greenwood Powerhouse. A great day of pulling even though I split my suit. Here's how I did.

Warm Up - 5 minute bike.
Deadlifts - 60kg/6 reps, 100kg/6 reps, 140kg/3 reps, 180kg/2 reps
Gear Deadlifts - 220kg/1 rep, 260kg/1 rep, 275kg/miss.
Here's a video of all these lifts.

I felt confident enough to attempt 275kg but my gear couldn't keep up. I'll get my wife to stitch it up one last time. After this competition I'll retire this suit and go for something new and a bit more aggressive. Depending on how I feel the day of the competition 260kg seems like a good place to open deadlifts.


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