A Top 40 Weightlifting Blog

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Bench, Again?

Today I started my new style of training. I focused more on the speed on the concentric portion of the movement than the weight I was lifting. I was supposed to do 12 sets but the gym was busy and I could tell that I was indeed hogging the bench. All of my exercises performed today were controlled during the eccentric phase with the concentric phase being like and explosion. Bench press was done competition style with a pause at the chest and a pause at the top on the movement where I would say "rack" in my head before replacing the bar. Here is how it went.

Bike - 10 min
Bench Press - 8 sets 2 reps 225lbs
Flat Bench Flys - 3 sets 6 reps 80lbs
Machine Seated Dips - 3 sets 8-12 reps 10-14 plates
Cable Extensions - 3 sets 12 reps 195lbs (stack)
Seated Overhead Dumbbell Extensions - 2 sets 8 reps 30lbs (good stretch)
Ellipse Trainer - 15 min

The workout went pretty well. I got a good pump. My good friend Brock supplied my blog with its very first comment. (last entry). The next part to my plan is to incorporate new movements like power cleans, good mornings, and more overhead movements for shoulder development. I'm going to have to do some more research regarding these movements and correct technique. When I get back in the country I'm going to get together with Brock and he can give me the low down on some extra exercises.

Until tomorrow or the next day.


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